unruly 音标拼音: [ənr'uli] a. 难控制的,无法无天的,任性的 难控制的,无法无天的,任性的 unruly adj 1: noisy and lacking in restraint or discipline; " a boisterous crowd"; " a social gathering that became rambunctious and out of hand"; " a robustious group of teenagers"; " beneath the rumbustious surface of his paintings is sympathy for the vulnerability of ordinary human beings"; " an unruly class" [ synonym: { boisterous}, { rambunctious}, { robustious}, { rumbustious}, { unruly}] 2: unwilling to submit to authority; " unruly teenagers" [ synonym: { disobedient}, { unruly}] 3: of persons; " the little boy' s parents think he is spirited, but his teacher finds him unruly" [ synonym: { indocile}, { uncontrollable}, { ungovernable}, { unruly}] Unruly \ Unruly\ See { ruly}.
Unruly \ Un* rul" y\, a. [ Compar. { Unrulier}, superl. { Unruliest}.] [ Pref. un- not rule. Cf. { Ruly}.] Not submissive to rule; disregarding restraint; disposed to violate; turbulent; ungovernable; refractory; as, an unruly boy; unruly boy; unruly conduct. [ 1913 Webster] But the tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. -- James iii. 8. [ 1913 Webster] 108 Moby Thesaurus words for " unruly": abandoned, anarchial, anarchic, anarchistic, antinomian, beyond control, boisterous, breachy, chaotic, contrary, contumacious, defiant, disobedient, disorderly, disorganized, fractious, froward, go- go, hard, headstrong, immoderate, impatient of control, incontinent, incorrigible, indocile, indomitable, indulgent, insubordinate, insuppressible, intemperate, intractable, irrepressible, lawless, lax, licentious, loose, mutinous, naughty, nihilistic, nonrestrictive, obstreperous, ornery, out of control, out of hand, permissive, perverse, raffish, rambunctious, rampageous, rampant, raucous, rebellious, recalcitrant, refractory, reinless, resistant, resisting, restive, revolutionary, riotous, rowdy, rowdyish, ruffianly, rumbustious, shrewish, stormy, stubborn, syndicalistic, tempestuous, termagant, terrorist, tough, tumultuous, turbulent, unbiddable, unbridled, unchecked, uncoerced, uncompelled, unconstrained, uncontrollable, uncontrolled, uncooperative, uncurbed, undisciplined, unforced, ungovernable, ungoverned, uninhibited, unmalleable, unmanageable, unmastered, unmeasured, unmoldable, unmuzzled, unreined, unrepressed, unreserved, unrestrained, unrestrictive, unsubdued, unsubmissive, unsuppressed, untoward, violent, wanton, wayward, wild