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countenance    音标拼音: [k'ɑʊntənəns]
n. 面容,面部表情,支持


n 1: the appearance conveyed by a person's face; "a pleasant
countenance"; "a stern visage" [synonym: {countenance},
2: formal and explicit approval; "a Democrat usually gets the
union's endorsement" [synonym: {sanction}, {countenance},
{endorsement}, {indorsement}, {warrant}, {imprimatur}]
3: the human face (`kisser' and `smiler' and `mug' are informal
terms for `face' and `phiz' is British) [synonym: {countenance},
{physiognomy}, {phiz}, {visage}, {kisser}, {smiler}, {mug}]
v 1: consent to, give permission; "She permitted her son to
visit her estranged husband"; "I won't let the police
search her basement"; "I cannot allow you to see your exam"
[synonym: {permit}, {allow}, {let}, {countenance}] [ant:
{disallow}, {forbid}, {interdict}, {nix}, {prohibit},
{proscribe}, {veto}]

Countenance \Coun"te*nance\ (koun"t[-e]*nans), n. [OE.
contenance, countenaunce, demeanor, composure, F. contenance
demeanor, fr. L. continentia continence, LL. also, demeanor,
fr. L. continere to hold together, repress, contain. See
{Contain}, and cf. {Continence}.]
1. Appearance or expression of the face; look; aspect; mien.
[1913 Webster]

So spake the Son, and into terror changed
His countenance. --Milton.
[1913 Webster]

2. The face; the features.
[1913 Webster]

In countenance somewhat doth resemble you. --Shak.
[1913 Webster]

3. Approving or encouraging aspect of face; hence, favor,
good will, support; aid; encouragement.
[1913 Webster]

Thou hast made him . . . glad with thy countenance.
--Ps. xxi. 6.
[1913 Webster]

This is the magistrate's peculiar province, to give
countenance to piety and virtue, and to rebuke vice.
[1913 Webster]

4. Superficial appearance; show; pretense. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

The election being done, he made countenance of
great discontent thereat. --Ascham.
[1913 Webster]

{In countenance}, in an assured condition or aspect; free
from shame or dismay. "It puts the learned in countenance,
and gives them a place among the fashionable part of
mankind." --Addison.

{Out of countenance}, not bold or assured; confounded;
abashed. "Their best friends were out of countenance,
because they found that the imputations . . . were well
grounded." --Clarendon.

{To keep the countenance}, to preserve a composed or natural
look, undisturbed by passion or emotion. --Swift.
[1913 Webster]

Countenance \Coun"te*nance\ (koun"t?-nans), v. t. [imp. & p. p.
{Countenanced} (-nanst); p. pr. & vb. n. {Countenancing}.]
1. To encourage; to favor; to approve; to aid; to abet.
[1913 Webster]

This conceit, though countenanced by learned men, is
not made out either by experience or reason. --Sir
T. Browne.
[1913 Webster]

Error supports custom, custom countenances error.
[1913 Webster]

2. To make a show of; to pretend. [Obs.]
[1913 Webster]

Which to these ladies love did countenance.
[1913 Webster]

175 Moby Thesaurus words for "countenance":
Buddha-like composure, OK, Oriental calm, abet, abetment, accept,
acceptance, adherence, admiration, admire, advocacy, advocate,
aegis, aid and abet, air, applaud, approbation, approval, approve,
approve of, ask for, auspices, authority, authorization, back,
backing, bear, bear with, bearing, bless, blessing, blink at,
brook, brow, calm disposition, calm of mind, calmness, care,
carriage, cast, cast of countenance, certification, champion,
championship, charity, clearance, color, comfort, commend,
complexion, composure, condone, connive at, cool, coolheadedness,
coolness, demeanor, dial, easy mind, embolden, empowerment,
enabling, encourage, encouragement, endorse, endorsement, endure,
enfranchisement, entitlement, esteem, face, facial appearance,
facies, favor, favorable vote, feature, features, feed, fiat,
foster, fosterage, garb, give encouragement, go for, goodwill,
grin and abide, guidance, guise, have, hear of, hearten, hold with,
icy calm, imperturbation, indisturbance, indulge, interest, invite,
keep in countenance, kisser, let go by, let pass, lineaments,
lines, looks, map, mental composure, mien, mug, mush, nod, nourish,
nurture, obey, overlook, pan, patronage, peace of mind,
peacefulness, philosophic composure, philosophicalness, philosophy,
phiz, physiognomy, placidity, port, posture, presence, puss,
put up with, quiet, quiet mind, quietude, ratification, respect,
rise above, sanction, sangfroid, seal of approval, seconding,
serenity, shine upon, shrug, shrug it off, smile upon,
soothingness, sponsorship, stamp of approval, stance, stand for,
stomach, submit to, subscribe, suffer, support, sympathy,
take kindly to, think well of, tolerate, traits, tranquillity,
turn, tutelage, unruffledness, uphold, view with favor, visage,
voice, vote, warrant, warranty, wink at, yea, yea vote, yield to

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